Sexual Confidence Part 2
Sexual Confidence Part 2 Product description

Do you feel sexually anxious or insecure? Perhaps you feel stuck or lost. Maybe you don’t know how to find your sexual voice. Or perhaps you’re recovering from a trauma or betrayal that has caused you to shut down. If so, this meditation series is for you.

This course includes TWO meditations. In addition to Sexual Confidence Part 1, you’ll get an additional guided meditation designed to boost the thoughts and feelings needed for optimal sexual confidence. You’ll leave with a total of SEVEN mantras that you can use when you’re feeling sexual insecure. I bring specific techniques from my training in hypnosis to make this meditation as effective as possible.

Be sure to browse all the meditations before making your selection. The meditations specific to various sexual difficulties include BOTH Sexual Confidence Meditations PLUS meditations specific to that sexual issue.

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