This self-paced, private online workshop will teach you how to take your emotional and physical intimacy to new heights.
This program includes 6 modules of expert guidance from Dr. Emily Jamea as well as nearly 50 take-home exercises designed specifically for you.
If you’re already read everything out there on sexual desire or on “tips, tricks, and techniques” than you’re in for a treat. This workshop takes an innovative, yet scientifically-based approach to teaching you the tools for optimal sexual connection.
One of the most unique aspects about this course is that it starts with YOU. Before diving into recommendations for your emotional and erotic relationship, Emily explains how to discover qualities in yourself – qualities, she believes, that are accessible to ALL of us. Everybody therefore, whether partnered or single, will learn valuable lessons in this workshop.
Are You Ready?
Each week, you’ll have access to 15-20 minutes of video instruction. You’ll then have the opportunity to complete corresponding homework exercises. I also provide additional resources and recommended reading material.
I am so confident that my workshop will improve your sex life, that I’m offering a 100% money back guarantee.
Week 1: Introduction and Fundamentals
Week 2: The Indulgence of Sensuality
Week 3: The Excitement of Curiosity
Week 4: The Power of Adaptability
Week 5: The Intensity of Vulnerability
Week 6: The Exhilaration of Attunement
Let’s get started.
If, for whatever reason, you are unsatisfied with your results, I will refund your payment .*You must have completed all 6 modules. Submit all completed handouts so I can see that you really gave it a try. No money back for technical glitches. We can usually fix these.
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